WAQI mp3 player widget update

Hi all,

player imagesThese days, I am working on “WAQI MP3 Player” widget (note This widget is only for Blogger Blog) which I have posted earlier [See this], I am going to put an option through which one can modify the colors of different part of the player according to his blog layout and colors. Most of the part for this modified “WAQI MP3 Player” widget has been completed and I am fixing some bugs and will be available for you to add this customized player in you blog without knowing HTML or Javascript. Using this option, one will be able to customize the player colour, look and feel accoding to his choice. Also one will be able to change the Play and Stop button images.

I am giving this player widget name “WAQI MP3 Player” only just to find it quickly through search engines. Flash Player has been taken from 1pixelout.

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Anonymous said...

This is a nice and informative posting on adding MP3 players in a blog. Adding a audio or video file always makes your blog more interesting.Thanks.
mp3 player

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